Luke, John and I are looking at images to build a model of Rockfeller Chapel. The collaboration between John and Luke should be interesting. John adding everything but the kitchen sink (well that might get thrown in too) and Luke's structure, love of music and sacred space creating a framework. Lets see where this goes.
Luke wonders if there is any furniture in the Chapel.
What shall we call the new Chapel? Luke likes the working title Bach Chapel. The original is called Rockfeller Chapel. Why? Well it is named after the main contributor to the chapel.
John D Rockfeller. A Big bankroll -Luke. Who is John D. Whatafeller? What is he? Well he was considered the richest man in the world- take that Donald- a noted philanthropist he founded Standard Oil and the University of Chicago. Hey I think he was around in the 1840's to 1930's. Luke this is your time period. What composers are from this period? Berlioz! Oh Luke I think he was born earlier than that like 1801 to 1850. Do you know the dates ? NO. Not sure. How did he die Luke? I don't know he just died. Well that happens to us all.
The clouds look like a face.