Is the truck dragging this house (or is it a mausoleum) behind it?
You can see all 5 panel designs here.

The Center for the Arts at Little City Foundation is the result of an evolutionary process that began with the belief that people with developmental disabilities could be taught skills that would lead to full opportunities in the arts. Each day, professional artists acting as facilitators encourage artists to expand their reach and skills, resulting in art that transcends the disability of the artists who created it.
Last night I watched Man on Wire with friends.
ReplyDeleteThe truck is connected to Mausoleum by this wire.
Seeing one of Harold's drawings in this manner, with some of the lines over drawn with black marker and the rest allowed to sink into the background in their original pencil, makes me wonder about Harold's perception of the world. It seems like there are several drawings which could have been emphasized within Harold's original, and this is the one that we chose to bring forward. I also get the impression that in Harold's waking life there are several stories to follow, like more than one movie being projected simultaneously on the same screen, and that he makes choices about what to emphasize and what to allow to sink into the background.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Recently I had been imagining a process in which an architectural drawing by Harold would be scanned at 4 or 5 different stages in it's development. Then, taking those scans and having each one printed out on very large transparency/acetate sheets to be hung in a row with a little space to walk between each layer. Sort of like the self-portraits that we made for Peer mi Sis. (if we had the funding...)