Why am I making more pictures for people to sell, buy, to have?
I am making a new picture- its sell able.- The person gets to keep the wrapping, and the picture frame. Harold do they get to keep the picture as well? Yeah! What are you selling lately? Pictures about everything in the Bible, the Earth and the Heavens. I Show a lot of pictures about the Earth, how people do everything. If you end up in jail, go ahead earn money be free, but to spend that's what I am talking about. That's a lot of things (topics) all at once Harold? Don't you think? Harold do you feel that you suffer from sensory overload? YEAH! Whats it like to hear all these things at once? AHH- Like,- Hello- A T.V. in your head- its like playing music -the sounds of horn, microphone, loud. Yes its True.- Yes! Can You turn it off like a T.V. Harold ? Yeah> How do you do that? It goes round and round the button gets pushed all the way in. I meant your feelings of overload, Harold how can you turn them off? Some one to care about me, my attitude positive, and good. I like that Harold -Someone to care for and about you, we get caught up in so much, and forget that. I like that idea very much, it seems universal but we lose track sometimes.
I am glad your my friend Harold. Anytime Brian.